Sunday, December 19, 2010


Family Traditions!

"Grandma Curt always knew how to make everything
work, and make everyone happy!" Sam says this
every year around Christmas Time!

Many years ago she would have Santa come on
Thanksgiving to give each of the kids a little something
to get them by until Christmas. Then one year Sam's
brother Ben was Santa in a school play and so she
wanted him to be Santa at the family party. And
so Ben wouldn't feel left out each kid gave him a gift
in return for their own, and every year after the grand kids
got to be Santa.

Uncle Randy, the oldest, has kept this going since
Grandma Curt passed away about 14 years ago.
Every year each of the kids take turns being in charge
and now we are onto Great Grand kids being Santa. We
always seem to complain about finding time to make time
for this special day but when we are all there all the
craziness of life goes away.

I found a couple of pictures to remember the old days
before sharing the most recent!

Above: Sam with his cousin Russ...

Above: from what I understand Grandma Curt
was not one to get her picture taken as you
can probably tell by her expression in this picture
with Sam when he got his Eagle!
I believe she is smiling down from Heaven at the
fact that this tradition is still going and growing!

This year Kaleb had his turn to be Santa! He
was super excited!

Above: Aunt Katie was Kaleb's little elf helper!
She is so fun and the best aunt!

Above: Mels' Family

Above: Randy's Family

Above: Keith's family

Above: Margie's Family
There are two Curtis kids who weren't there this
year. Uncle Bill and family are from Nevada and
have come in years past but weren't able to be
here this time. And Uncle Gerry's family wasn't
there either.
All in all this was a great night to get caught up
with everyone, see where they are going, what
degree they are getting (high 5 to Margie's
family and herself), who is expecting, remember
those cool hats Grandma Curt gave them
with their names on, and much more.
This tradition is such an important part of
my husbands life that nothing would keep
us from it. I love family time and look forward
to this tradition continuing!

Monday, December 6, 2010


This year we had Thanksgiving dinner with
the Worwood's the weekend before so we all
could be there. This is the whole family minus
only a couple. We were missing my brother Kyle,
Cousin Jeremy and his boy, Cousin Travis and
his wife, and My cousin Megan's Husband.
We had a great dinner...and look how happy
Grandma is that we were all there!

The whole family

The 5 kids and their spouses: LtoR; David and
Carmela, Diane & Russ, Bill & Jana, Grandma,
Betty & Terry, and Lynn (dad) & Valerie (mom)

Above is all the grandkids, spouses, girlfriends,
and great grandchildren!

Grandma with all her grandkids and great
grandkids above

Grandma with 13 of her 14 Great Grandkids!

Kaleb's a Wolf

We are so proud of Kaleb. He works so hard
on his scouting and just recently earned his
Wolf Badge!

We do a lot of it al home but he has two really
great scout leaders to help to! THANKS
Sister Perry and Sister Morris

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween this year was so many days long at
our home! With so many different school parties
programs, parades, and more we had 4 days
of Halloween!

On Thursday Karson had his Preschool Party and
parade. His teachers husband pulled them on the
tractor for a fun hay ride followed by a parade.
He thought it was pretty cool!

Friday was the annual Fairview Elementary School
Halloween Parade down the Main Street. Our boys
love this parade. Above is Kaleb as a Ninja with his
third grade class. He was having a little trouble
with his mask. Below is Kasey in his Ninja Costume
with his first grade class.

They go North on Main street to Walkers then
turn around and go back South. All the businesses
hand them candy as they go!

That night was the school Carnival. The only
picture we got that night was of Kaylee doing the
cake walk. She was having a hard time understanding
what to do.

Following the carnival we headed home to carve
our pumpkins. This is always my favorite thing
about this Holiday! This was what we looked
forward to when we were little because my
Grandpa Worwood always grew and gave us
our pumpkins!

Kaylee was pretty good help on hers, and Kaleb
has got the routine down packed!

(above) Kasey is a perfectionist and it always
takes him a lot longer. As you can tell by Sam's
expression it sometimes gets a little crazy!

above: Karson getting a little help from his dad.
below: Kaylee would gut hers and then eat the
inside! YUCK!!! But whatever kept her happy!

The kids loved their pumpkins!

All done and Glowing!

Saturday it was time, finally, to do some
trick-or-treating! We went to Nephi early so
Grandpa and Grandma could see the kids in
their costumes! Grandma always has such
cute and fun decorations so the kids were joined
by a few friendly ghosts!

Karson-Batman Kaylee-Witch
Kasey and Kaleb-Ninja's

Trick or Treating at Great Grandpa and Grandma
Russon's. They love having the kids stop by!

Below is all the cavities.....I mean Candy the kids
got. Wow...I am thinking they got enough for
next year to!

We had a great Halloween! Even if it lasted
4 days! Halloween Sunday we just rested from
all the craziness!

Deer Hunt 2010

This year for the deer hunt Sam
had a tag for the Southeastern
Unit. We were excited to go looking
for deer until we got to the top of
Fairview Canyon and this is what
we found.....the first HUGE snow
storm of the year! The kids were
not at all excited that mom had to
have a picture!

Then we got to the bottom of Fairview Canyon
and the weather was not at all winter like! So
crazy. We had deer but lots of memories!

Kaylee and mom waited at the bottom why all the
guys hiked down. It was a good day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The boys are totally loving playing flag football this year! They are improving each game and enjoying spending the extra time with their coach, DAD! Kaleb has been trying the quarterback position and now tells us he wants to be a quarterback for BYU someday! Good luck on that one buddy! Kasey is just playing all over. He is a pretty good ball carrier. We worry about them playing on the same team sometimes cause everything just comes natural to Kasey, but not with football. They are both doing really good, and actually work really good together as a team!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall Time

I love fall time, especially were we live! Its not
that far to see all the beautiful colors of the
mountains in the fall! After listening to
Conference Saturday we went up Fairview
Canyon to catch one last glimpse of all the colors
of fall!

I captured the above sunset on the North
Skyline drive on a Sunday Drive! I must
say that Sanpete has beautiful sunsets!

The kids love to go fishing so why they
fished I tried to capture the reflections
of the season!

This picture is on the North Skyline Drive and
it brings me close to home. Here I stand in the
county I live and love, Sanpete, with the county
of my home, Juab, not far off with Mt Nebo in
my sight!

Family Pictures

Sam loves this time of year! NOT!!! He hates
having our family picture taken, but I love it!
Our kids are growing so fast! I dont think any
of them turned out too bad. Here are just a few
of them!


On Sunday the 26th I got a message from an old
roommate that one of our roommates had been
killed in a tragic car accident up Big Cottonwood
Canyon. It took me back to memories at college
and how much fun we had! Carlie was a very
fun, happy, beautiful lady. She never held a
grudge, and always had a joke for us. I met up
with my former roommates and went up to West
Valley the following Wednesday for her funeral.
How blessed am I that I have the knowledge
of life after death and knowing that I will see her
again! Until We meet again Carlie, Rest in Peace!

My roommates from L to R: Ashlee, Jessica, Carlie,
Jen, Me, and Joanna

Jen, Jessica, Me and Carlie

Me and Carlie making memories to last forever!